Scroll down to select your country, the variables you want, and the year and months
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CountryData offers political, economic, financial, and social data for over 140 countries, in most cases back to 1984. CountryData is also the only source for current and historical risk ratings developed from the International Country Risk Guide and Political Risk Services rating systems conducted by PRS Group. Note: the tabs International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) and Political Risk Services (PRS) provide access to information regarding methodology, but do not provide access to the actual products. Access to the CountryData and the Political Risk Yearbook are available through the University Libraries A-Z list.
Available through CountryData Online (above). Bigger picture than general business culture. Focuses more on laws and policy that may affect international business. Select your country and download a copy of the Country Report
Reports on market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business customs prepared at US Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department, and other US agencies’ professionals
Includes information on each country including, imports, exports, investment climate, and trade
Also provides the business culture and culture and society content that is part of the assigned readings for this course
The A to Z International Business database includes information about business culture and practices in over 100 countries. It also includes up-to-date information on importing, exporting, and logistics. This database is especially useful for students enrolled in International Business courses, Supply Chain Management courses and students participating in global immersion programs.
Contains 2000+ indicators, many with 50 years of data, including the full World Development Indicators (WDI), Global Development Finance (GDF), and Africa Development Indicators (ADI) as well as other World Bank databases such as Global Economic Monitor (GEM), Education Statistics, etc.