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AN SC 201: Animal Science

University Park

Article Comparision

You'll be looking for two articles that have something in common so that you can compare them but they will not be on exactly the same topic.  

For example, one article might be on the effects of vitamin E on cattle, the second article might be on the effects of vitamin E on rabbit.

Reminder: You must use two articles, each about one specific experiment. 
“Review articles” summarizing several experiments are not acceptable for this assignment. 
You also need to make sure the articles are within the dates specified in the assignment. 

Get your Articles

Identify the Articles

Location of the peer reviewed, search in full text, and publication date limits in LionSearch

  1. Type a few specific words for your topic into the search box and press search.  Remember to be as specific as possible.
  2. In the Refine your Search section on the left and select the "Peer-Reviewed" option.
  3. To make your search a little more on target, DEselect the "Search in Full Text" option
  4. Under the "Publication Date" section, drag the slider to include just the dates you need.
  5. Try different search terms if your first terms don't give you what you want.

Save the Articles

  1. Click on the small folder icon to right side of the items you want to save. 
  2. When you have all the items you want, click on the folder icon at the top of the screen.  
  3. Choose the "Chicago/Turabian: author-date"  format, select "print" and copy the citations into your clipboard.  
    • This format creates citations closely correct for your project!   
    • CAVEAT: the formatting made by the computer will have mistakes
    • double check your final paper against the information provided for the Journal of Animal Science style (see the citing page on this guide).
  4. Don’t lose your work!  To save the citations for later, choose the "Search Results Format" option and select "email" and enter your address.
    • The email will contain links back to the information in LionSearch.  
    • Unless you sign up for ProQuest RefWorks, items are saved in LionSearch ONLY for your current session. You won’t be able to go back later and see a list of saved items unless you have emailed them to yourself.

Get the Full Text

  • Click the "full text online" link to go to the full text of the article.
  • Sometimes this results in the Penn State "GetIt" menu and you need to click the word "article" to get to the full text.  If there is no "article" link, click the word "journal" to get to the journal page and look for the correct year, volume, issue and pages for the article you need.

More Options

If LionSearch doesn't work - use these indexes to locate two or more research articles on an animal science topic.