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PA Forward at Madlyn L. Hanes Library, Penn State Harrisburg

Information about PA Forward Events and Literacy Topics at Penn State Harrisburg Library

PA Forward Events at Penn State Harrisburg Library











Each semester, Hanes Library offers programs to help you develop lifelong learning skills and explore new topics of interest. Check here for information on upcoming programs and how to register. Use the links on the left to explore past programs and resources related to each of the five PA Forward Literacies: Basic, Information, Civic and Social, Health, and Financial.

Spring 2024 programs:

Flier for Celebrating Diverse Voices Through Poetry

Join us on April 16 at 9 am, 12 pm, and 6 pm for poetry workshops with Janet Wong. Register here:

Fall 2023 programs:

Learn new skills at Hanes Library! FYS credit is available for first year students and everyone is welcome. First Year Students can register for FYS programs here.

  • Save Money on Textbooks with Open Educational Resources, September 21, 2023, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM, Library Room 106 

    The cost of textbooks is increasing and can be a burden to students in all disciplines. Learn how to save money on textbooks by utilizing Open Educational Resources (OER). 

  • Archives 101:  Introduction to Primary vs. Secondary Sources, Two sessions offered: September 26, 2023 and November 7, 2023, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM, Library Room 303 (Archives Reading Room)

  • This workshop will be especially helpful for students taking CAS 100: Effective Speech. During this session, you'll work on primary source literacy (knowledge and competency in finding, interpreting, evaluating, and using primary sources), including the ability to distinguish between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. These skills will help you find and identify primary sources when needed to complete research assignments in general education courses.

  • Misinformation Workshop – October 24, 2023, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM, Zoom (Register for Access)

  • Can you spot misinformation? How can you be sure that when you re-post information online, that you don’t look the fool by posting misinformation? Come hone your skills by learning how to identify fake news and stop the spread!

  • Check out the Misinformation Workshop website here including a recording of this year's workshop.