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U.S. Government : Legislative Branch

a guide to resources for researching legislative branch (Congressional) publications.

The Congressional Record

The Congressional Record is the official transcript of debates of the House and the Senate. The Record is divided into four parts and paginated as follows in the daily edition:

  • H: debate and other floor action of the House
  • S: debate and other floor action of the Senate
  • E: Material not spoken on the floor may appear in the Extension of Remarks section that appears in the Record after the Senate and House floor debate sections. If a member speaking on the floor requests permission "to revise and extend my remarks", those revisions appear in the Extension of Remarks portion of the Record.
  • D: the Daily Digest contains a brief synopsis of floor action in both the House and Senate and in all the committees that met on that day. The Daily Digest is especially useful for identifying each day's floor amendments and their disposition.

If from a bound edition of the Congressional Record::

[volume number] Cong. Rec. [page no.]

123 Cong. Rec. 17140 refers to page 17140 in volume 123 of the Congressional Record.

If from a daily edition:

[volume number] Cong. Rec. [(letter)page no.]

Note that the page number for the daily edition will include a letter designating it's position within that edition. For example:

155 Cong. Rec. S12876
155 Cong. Rec. H14449
155 Cong. Rec. E2931
155 Cong. Rec. D1441

Are all citations to different sections within the December 10, 2009 edition of The Congressional Record, respectively:

Senate debates and proceedings, page 12876
House debates and proceedings, page 14449
Extensions of Remarks, page 2931
Daily Digest, page 1441