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Test Prep Resources

This guide offers links to practice tests and preparation books for common standardized tests.


USMLE Ebooks from Penn State Libraries

The library provides access to a number of E books that will help you study for the USMLE. To access them:

  1. Click the link below
  2. Click on the title of the book you would like to use
    Note: the list is sorted by relevance, to see recent books you may have to page down
  3. Click the link
    Note: you may have to enter your PSU ID/Password to access the book.

USMLE Print Books from Penn State Libraries

Here is a list of recent print USMLE books in various Penn State Libraries.

1. Click the link below.

2. Click on the title of a book you would like.

3. Click the "I Want It!"  to request a book from a library on another campus. I Want It

Special Note: Please be aware that not all of these books may be available for delivery to your campus.  In these cases, no "I Want It!" button will appear.  Please contact the librarian at your Penn State Library for help requesting books.