psychiatric references from American Psychiatric Publishing, including DSM-5
The PsychiatryOnline Premium Collection is a web portal to a group of psychiatric references from American Psychiatric Publishing. The primary resources are the DSM-5™ and The American Journal of Psychiatry, as well as 16 different textbooks and these additional journals: Psychiatric Services, Academic Psychiatry, Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences and Psychiatric News. The platform is completely searchable across all of the content and also offers access to CME credits, current APA Practice guidelines and medication information for patients.
This print handbook address broad, crosscutting issues faced by researchers: the philosophical, ethical, and societal underpinnings of psychological research. Chapters detail the research planning process, describe the range of measurement techniques that psychologists most often use to collect data, consider how to determine the best measurement techniques for a particular purpose, and examine ways to assess the trustworthiness of measures.
This comprehensive handbook provides community psychology approaches to addressing the key issues that impact individuals and their communities worldwide. Featuring international, interdisciplinary perspectives from leading experts, the handbook tackles critical contemporary challenges. These include climate change, immigration, educational access, healthcare, social media, wellness, community empowerment, discrimination, mental health, and many more.
This updated APA 7th edition guidebook provides students with important information in clear, concise, user-friendly language, as well as to offer practical examples that will help them grasp the concept of secondary research writing.
Literature reviews are now much more challenging to compile today than they used to be. You need a structured approach to handle the sheer volume of published research available. This book will help you formulate a strategy for making decisions about what to include and not include in your review, and produce a reliable and unbiased summary of the existing research. You will learn skills for defining research questions, using search tools and managing citations.
Examines multiple aspects of child and adolescent development and physical and mental health. It has a translational approach. Each section and all applicable entries include a discussion of prevention or intervention efforts that can inform health and health promotion, and prevent health risks.
This comprehensive handbook explores the many issues affecting children's physical and mental health. Its coverage spans a broad range of topics, exploring the history and foundations of clinical child psychology as well as the discipline's theories, research base, ethical and legal implications, and diagnostic systems, including the NIMH's Research Domain Criteria (RDoC).
Sponsored by Division 15 of the American Psychological Association, this 4th edition addresses new developments in educational psychology theory and research methods while honoring the legacy of the field’s past. Comprising 31 chapters written by a diverse group of recognized scholars, this volume provides integrative reviews and critical syntheses of inquiry across a variety of foundational and new areas.
Authoritative work with more than 1,400 entries provides information on fundamental approaches and theories, various mental health disorders, assessment tools and psychotherapeutic interventions, and the social, legal, and cultural frameworks that have contributed to debates in abnormal and clinical psychology.
Examines key themes and topics from within this dynamic and expanding field of psychology, this work offers a cross-cultural and global perspective. Students in areas of psychology, business, management, and human resources should find this useful.
Containing approximately 800 signed articles by experts from a wide diversity of fields, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development explores all individual and situational factors related to human development across the lifespan. Some of the broad thematic areas will include: Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Aging Behavioral and Developmental Disorders Cognitive Development Community and Culture Early and Middle Childhood Education through the Lifespan Genetics and Biology Gender and Sexuality Life Events Mental Health through the Lifespan Research Methods in Lifespan Development Speech and Language Across the Lifespan Theories and Models of Development.
This online encyclopedia is comprehensive, peer-reviewed, and regularly updated. It contains a wealth of information suitable for first-year students through to the most seasoned researcher. It combines the speed and flexibility of digital content with the rigorous standards of academic publishing.
This comprehensive resource on health psychology provides a concise overview of the ever-expanding interdisciplinary field. Delves into topics related to Health Psychology across the subfields of Biopsychology, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, including medical and allied health fields.