Links to databases and library resources in Public Administration. Also helpful for public budgeting, finance, management, policy, personnel, and related topics.
Use this link to search across the other CQ databases listed below. CQ is a suite of databases with high-quality information to help you understand the working of the government.
A reference source for research in American government, politics, history, public policy, and current affairs. The suite includes the online version of --CQ Weekly --CQ Researcher --CQ Congress Collection, --CQ Voting and Elections Collection --CQ Historic Documents Online
Biographical information on members of congress and description of congressional districts.
CQ Almanac was the definitive reference for studying the U.S. Congress. Arranged thematically, each annual volume organizes, distills, and cross-indexes the full year in Congress and in national politics. The online edition allows users to navigate through more than 60 years of Congressional coverage; access tables, graphs, and charts; and browse by subject, decade, or by a particular year's table of contents. 1945-2020.
Information about how Congress works and bills they have passed.
CQ Congress Collection is a dynamic research and reference tool allowing historical analysis of members of Congress, their legislative voting behavior, interest groups, and their interactions in crafting public policy.
Full text of most congressional committee publications. Bill Tracking, The Congressional Record, and more.
Congressional provides access to the best web resources for congressional and legislative information. This includes services available to Penn State Users only, such as Congressional Universe (1789-to date) as well as other free services that provide similar or related information such as Thomas (1993-to date) and GPO Access (1993-to date). The Guided Tour provides a step-by-step approach to congressional and legislative information for users who have never done research of this type before. Updates:Continuous