This source is fairly selective in coverage and not all countries are represented, but it has the advantage of being translated articles from foreign newspapers and broadcasts. Check the source listing to see if your country is covered.
World News Connection® (WNC) contains full-text translated summaries from the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports for the following materials: newspaper articles, conference proceedings, radio and television broadcasts, periodicals, and non-classified technical reports
LexisNexis Academic allows you to search news stories by geographic areas.
This link allows you to limit your search to Nexis Uni’s news collection, without the law and business collections mixed in. If you want to search the entire Nexis Uni collection (including law and business), select the “Nexis Uni” link instead.
PressDisplay provides a global perspective on the World's events and news. It's the most convenient and complete way to read all your favorite newspapers on one site. Users will gain access to the electronic display of newspapers from home and around the world on the day they are published.
PressReader provides a global perspective on the World's events and news and is the most convenient and complete way to read all your favorite newspapers on one site. Users will gain access to newspapers from within the library, from home and around the world on the day they are published. Researchers will find convenient searching, a traditional 2-page newspaper view, table of contents, article jumps (linking article sections) and easy to read text views. PressDisplay can also provide translations into ten major foreign languages.
Useful for journal articles in the humanities and social sciences. It has the full text of key journals such as the Latin American Research Review, Journal of Democracy, World Politics, and several human rights journals.
Project MUSE is a unique collaboration between libraries and publishers providing 100% full-text, affordable and user-friendly online access to high quality humanities, arts, and social sciences journals from scholarly publishers. MUSE began in 1993 as a pioneering joint project of the Johns Hopkins University Press and the Milton S. Eisenhower Library at JHU. Grants from the Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities allowed MUSE to go live with JHU Press journals in 1995. Journals from other publishers were first incorporated in 2000, with additional university press and scholarly society publishers joining in each subsequent year.
A comprehensive source for research in international affairs. Particularly good for working papers from think tanks, CIAO includes the full text of selected books on international affairs, working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from non-governmental organizations, foundation-funded research projects, and proceedings from conferences. It also contains abstracts and some full-text journal articles.
CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online) is a comprehensive source for research in international affairs. It includes full text of selected books on international affairs, working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, and proceedings from conferences. It also, contains abstracts and some full text of selected journal articles
Does not have the last 3-5 years of most journals, but does contain long archives of key journals.
JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization that provides a trusted archive of important scholarly journals and a selection of scholarly books. Content in JSTOR spans many disciplines, primarily in the humanities and social sciences. While indexing for JSTOR articles is covered in LionSearch, the full text of the articles is not searched in LionSearch. Search JSTOR itself to ensure detailed coverage of full texts.