This guide is intended as a starting point for research on immigration and refugee issues. It is not intended to be comprehensive.
The resources included are a mix of databases licensed for use by Penn State faculty, staff, and students and freely available internet resources.An orange lock icon
next to a link on this guide indicates a resource available to all users. Community users who wish to use a Penn State licensed resource should visit a library at any Penn State Campus for assistance.
The individual pages are outlined below.
- What is an immigrant or refugee? -- provides basic definitions some of the terms used in the discussion of immigration issues. Many of the terms used have specific legal meanings that impact policy decisions.
- Encyclopedias and Handbooks -- These resources will provide overviews of the topic, help you outline various aspects of the immigration controversies, and lead you to more in-depth materials.
- Find Journal Articles -- journal articles, especially scholarly and peer reviewed articles will help you explore specific aspects of the topic in more depth.
- U.S. Immigration Law -- Use this page to locate statutory, regulatory, and case law. It provides an overview of immigration law, links to key statutes, to Executive Orders and to case law as well as links to key Penn State databases.
- Forms -- this page links you to key federal government forms to apply for immigration status or citizenship.
- Policy Papers -- will link you to key resources that discuss immigration policy. Included are think tanks and pro-con resources.
- International law -- includes links to key treaties
- Interest Groups -- Includes links to advocacy groups on both sides of the immigration issue
- International Organizations -- provides links to international intergovernmental organizations such as the EU, UN, and OAS with interest in issues of migration and refugees, as well as non-governmental organization that work on these issues.
- Statistics and Data -- will provide you with links to data sources on immigration, undocumented immigration, and refugees in the U.S. and worldwide.
- Penn State and Local Issues -- resources that outline the Penn State response to Trump administration innitiatives as well as the State College, PA actions.