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IEEE Quick Citation Guide

Penn State guide for IEEE references with examples. This is the most common style used in engineering and computer science disciplines.

Web Pages

When Citing websites:

  • make sure your reference isn't another type of source, AKA: do not assume everything is a website because you have a URL.
  • Always make sure to include a link to the company and/or site name (Apple, U.S. Climate Data, etc.).
  • The title of a website rarely includes ".com"—for example, BBC online is "BBC," not ""
  • Do not use "Staff Writer" or "Editors" as the author; if no author name is listed, use the organization name.

Basic Format:

K. Author. (year, month). Title. Company. City, State, Country. [Type of Medium]. Available: site/path/file


[1] Federal Bureau of Investigation, “Forging papers to sell fake art,” April 6, 2017. Available:

[2] R. Roth, “75 years ago, the Doolittle Raid changed history,” CNN, April 18, 2017. Available:

Social Media

IEEE does not provide clear instructions for social media posts. If you need to cite social media posts, the following format below is useful.

Basic Format:

J. K. Author [@username], Full Tweet or “Title of post,” Title of Website, Abbrev. Month Day, Year. Available: URL (accessed: Abbrev. Month Day, Year).


M. H. K. Choi [@choitotheworld], Can someone fix bacon packaging this has gone on long enough, Twitter, Apr 16, 2020. Available: (accessed: Aug 5, 2020).


Citing a YouTube or other kind of video, make sure to follow the following guide:

Basic Information:

Video Owner/Creator, Location [if available, include country]. Title of Video in Title Case and Italics, (Release date). Accessed: Full Date. Available: URL


[3] CNN. US Military Sends Warships, Aircraft to Texas, (August 31, 2017). Accessed: Jan. 19, 2022. [Video]. Available:

[4] Kanopy Streaming Service (2012). Agrofuels [Streaming Video]. Accessed on: May 28, 2024. Available: