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Career Studies Program at Penn State Harrisburg

This guide helps CSP students use the library. It also helps CSP students find job, health, and other information.

Favorite CSP Books

The library has many books for CSP students. Here are our favorites:

Using the Library

Here are some tips:

Before visiting:

  1. Try to find what you need in the library's catalog.
  2. Write down the "Title" and "Call Number" of any item you want.
  3. Check the library's opening hours
  4. Know the library's borrowing rules.
  5. Know the library's code of conduct.

When you come to the library:

  1. Bring your Penn State ID card.
  2. Bring any other important information (your assignment, book "Call Numbers," etc.).
  3. Ask for help at the "Circulation" and "Reference" desks.
  4. Use a quiet voice and workplace manners. 

If you want to borrow a book, video, game, or other library item:

  1. Bring it to the "Circulation" desk.
  2. Show your Penn State ID.
  3. Pay attention to the "DATE DUE" for any item you borrow. 
  4. Return all library items on-time. 

Searching the Library

Searching the library isn't very hard. Here are the steps: Screenshot of library catalog, showing keyword search

  • Use Penn State's catalog to find videos, music, books, and more. 
  • Type your search in the "Keyword" box.
  • Click on the blue "Search" button.
  • After your results appear, look to the left side of the page, under "Refine search results." 
  • Under "Format," choose "Book," "Audio," "Video," or "Games/Toys."
  • Under "Campus," choose "Harrisburg."
  • Click on any title to get more details.
  • Note the "Call number" and "Location" of each item you want.
  • Bring your Penn State ID and list of call numbers to the library. Screenshot of library catalog, showing how to narrow results by format
  • Ask workers at the "Reference" or "Circulation" desk to help you find the books on the shelves.Screenshot of library catalog, showing book details and call number