Directions for Linking Google Scholar to the PSU Libraries:
*Note: On occasion, the link to our library will become unlinked. Simply go back to the Settings function and re-link to our library.
Here are some alternative resources to Gartner:
Enterprise Architecture Professional Journal (free access to articles and the journal – if you run into any paywalls, you can request articles through Interlibrary Loan)
Journal of Enterprise Information Management (there is a one-year embargo meaning we do not have access to the most recent articles – we could request those via ILL)
IT Professional (IEEE magazine) -- you can search within the publication
IEEE Xplore (search for topics across all publications)
SIGARCH (ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture)
ACM Digital Library (search for topics across all publications)
ABI/Inform Collection (search for topics across all business-focused publications)
Business Source Premier (search for topics across all business-focused publications)
IBISWorld (search for industry reports)
Safari Learning Platform: Academic Edition (O’Reilly, Apress, Sams, etc.)
Fundamentals of Enterprise Architecture (O’Reilly book)
Modern Enterprise Architecture (Apress book)
LinkedIn Learning (PSU access – series of videos on Enterprise Architecture)
LinkedIn Learning (PSU access – series of videos on Agile Software Development)
LinkedIn Learning (PSU access – series of videos on Agile Project Management)
Sparx Systems Gallery of Diagrams
Google searches:
“enterprise architecture” AND “case studies”
“enterprise architecture” AND “white papers” AND PDF