provides access to data about the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas. It contains data from a broad range of surveys and censuses from the United States.
The Bureau’s website provides detailed population, business, and economic data that can be used to identify demographic shifts and the market for new products and services.
Data collected by the U.S. census related to health insurance and health access. The Census Bureau also produces valuable data related to the population of an area, including demographic and economic statistics that are valuable to health care administrators.
Links to various data sources provided by the Agency for Healthcare Research Quality, including accessibility of care, healthcare disparities, healthcare quality, healthcare spending, healthcare use, hospitalizations, and data by state and payer type.
Data available regarding all issues related to Medicare/Medicaid, including data by provider type, for special interest populations, and trend reports.
A wide variety of data related to the health status of Americans, designed to monitor trends in health status and delivery of Americans to guide policy making and implementation.
the CDC's "primary vehicle for scientific publication of timely, reliable, authoritative, accurate, objective, and useful public health information and recommendations."
Foundations, Associations, and Research Organizations
The Joint Commission’s annual report on improving quality and safety among accredited hospitals includes data on a variety of measures from over 3,000 Joint Commission accredited hospitals.
"aims to promote a high performing health care system that achieves better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency, particularly for society's most vulnerable, including low-income people, the uninsured, minority Americans, young children, and elderly adults."
allows comparison of health outcome and health factor rankings by county and state for all counties in the United States. From the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
The results of MGMA surveys have been the industry standard in benchmarking and organization assessment tools for over 50 years. MGMA allows the search of all surveys and summaries for relevant data and benchmarking figures related to management of healthcare organizations.
The NCQA research department is responsible for expanding and enhancing the use of health plan-quality data. The Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) produced by the National Committee for Quality Assurance is a tool used by more than 90% of America's health plans to measure performance on dimensions of care and service. HEDIS consists of 71 measures across 8 domains of care. Because so many plans collect HEDIS data, and because the measures are so specifically defined, HEDIS makes it possible to compare the performance of health plans on an "apples-to-apples" basis. Health plans also use HEDIS results themselves to see where they need to focus their improvement efforts.
The National Quality Forum produces a set of endorsed performance measures that are used to measure and quantify healthcare processes, outcomes, patient perceptions, and organizational structures/systems associated with the provision of high quality healthcare. Performance measures endorsed by the NQF are used by hospitals, healthcare systems, and government agencies (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid) for public reporting of performance and quality improvement research. The NQF provides the surveys used by organizations as benchmarking and assessment tools.
Data from the PA Department of Health including health statistics for Pennsylvania residents (vital statistics, chronic disease, behavioral risk, communicable disease, health facilities, and minority health) community health assessment data, and links to other state and federal agencies reporting similar data.
one of the best starting places for a wide range of social and economic data this site pulls data from the whole range of agencies in the United Nations family and beyond.
UNSTATS provides data on a wide range of social and economic data series from 30 specialized international intergovernmental agencies including POPIN, World Bank, IMF, UNESCO, UNICEF, and WHO. Data can be displayed in HTML or downloaded in Excel or CSV format.
A subscription service available to researchers with a Penn State Access Account that has a robust statistical component (with data not available on the free site) as well as in-depth policy studies.
Full-text book and serial publications from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Also includes many of the data sets available from the organization. Open Access as of 7/1/24.
...a more robust version than the ready reference.
Online service that enables researchers to build statistical tables and charts from multiple sources in a single interface. Data includes a wide range of social and demographic data both from the US and international sources.