This website has a wealth of information and statistics on all types of energy resources, worldwide. Data is available by commodity and country, with many historical data available to download.
This tool aids in locating quality data sets across a variety of disciplines.
The Data Citation Index on the Web of Science™ platform provides a single point of access to quality research data from repositories across disciplines and around the world. Through linked content and summary information, this data is displayed within the broader context of the scholarly research, enabling users to gain perspective that is lost when data sets or repositories are viewed in isolation. These connections allow researchers to efficiently access an array of data across subjects and regions, providing a comprehensive picture of research output, to maximize research efforts and accurately assess importance.
Annual data for 215 countries and areas for a three
year period are presented on production, trade and consumption of energy for solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels, electricity, and heat.
Reviews of the status of the world’s major energy resources. It covers not only the fossil fuels but also the major types of traditional and novel sources of energy. Published once every three years.