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AFAM 141N - African American Read-In Engaged Learning Experience

Professor Megan Simpson

Sample MLA Citation

Sample MLA Style Citations (based on MLA 9th Edition).


Author Last Name, First Name. Title of book. Publisher Name, Year of Publication.

Harris, Eddy L. Mississippi Solo: A River Quest. Henry Holt, 1998.


Author Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Publication Name, Volume #, Issue #, year of publication, range of pages. Database Name. Access URL.

Eckstein, Barbara J. ""Paddle Your Own Canoe": Eddy L. Harris's Mississippi Solo and an Invitation to Communitas." The Southern Quarterly, vol. 52, no. 3, 2015, pp. 137-149.


Author Last Name, First Name (if known). "Title of web page." Name of website. Publication date (if known), website url. Date of Access (if applicable).

Jackson, Jeff. "Eddy Harris on His Mississippi Solo Paddling Trip: Author Reflects on Canoeing the length of the Mississippi - and much more." Paddling Magazine.  Accessed 1 September, 2023.

Citation Resources

Chat GPT and A.I. Generated Citations

Always consult with your course instructor and your course syllabus for guidance using, quoting, or citing generative AI tools or citations derive from these tools, such as ChatGPT.

If you are able to use these tools, be aware that:

  • Information provided by AI writing models may be biased, out of date or nonsensical.
  • Generative AI tools cannot, at present, cite outside sources or create bibliographies.
  • Citations created or included by these tools may be fake so you will need to verify anything generated.

How to cite text generated by an AI with MLA for a Works Cited list.

"Title of content, followed by prompt." Name of AI Tool, Version, AI Tool developer, Date content was generated, URL (If sharable) OR AI tool url.

"Identify the main themes in the book Mississippi solo by Eddy Harris" prompt. ChatGPT, Version 1.5.2, OpenAI, 1 September 2023,