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MRI-Simmons Insights: An introduction

This guide will assist users in understanding how to use the MRI-Simmons database. In particular, users will learn how to run CrossTabs and Quick Reports.

About Quick Reports

Simmons Connect Plus has 14 Quick Reports that you can access. The first 3 Quick Reports (Demographic Profile, Segmentation, Maps) allow for understanding your target audience, while the other 11 reports allow for learning about your target's use of traditional and digital media platforms.

  1. Demographic Profile Quick Report:  Basic information, such as education, ethnicity, age, income, and gender.

  2. Segmentation Quick Report: Shows you how your target audience is split up into different groups based on their interests and behaviors. The groups include things like food, health, technology, and shopping.

  3.  Map Quick Report: Shows you a map with different colors that represent how popular your target audience is in different regions of the country.

Please note that you can also find these 3 Quick Reports when searching for information in the NHCS Adult 12-Month study.

The other Quick Reports are all about how your target audience uses different kinds of media. These reports include information about how much time they spend on different platforms, what they do online, and how many people are reached. They also include reports about using media at the same time as watching TV, social media activity, and website visits.

Please note that some of these reports are available across all Simmons studies, but others are only available in the Simmons Connect study. If you want to switch to the Simmons Connect study, you can use the drop-down menu to change it.

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