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PA Forward at Penn State Abington

Information about PA Forward Events and Literacy Topics at Penn State Abington

What is Information Literacy?

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"We envision a Pennsylvania where citizens know how to use online resources and current technology to improve their education, to enhance their job skills, and to fully participate in a digital society."

Information literacy is more than just the ability to determine if presented information is true or false. It's a set of skills that allows you to choose the appropriate resource for the information need at hand, to seek more information based on what you've learned, and to use the information you find effectively. 

Library instruction focuses on many kinds of information literacy, including information literacy skills relevant to your major or career, as well as those skills relevant to daily life. 

Increasing Information Literacy

Many library resources can help you build and expand your information literacy skills. Information literacy is a lifelong learning process. Check out these resources for a refresher or new ideas to consider. 

Book Recommendations