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CAS 214W: Speech Writing

For students in CAS 214W with Christina Cook. Many thanks to the generous use of Eric Novotny's content.

Speech Collections

To search for speeches at Penn State use The 'NEW' CAT (PSU library catalog) and the keywords "Speeches, addresses."   You can also search by the name of the speaker, e.g. Martin Luther King, William Jennings Bryan, etc...    

Recorded Speeches - Audio and Video

To locate recordings of speeches use the FORMAT attributes in The CAT. Limit your search to  AUDIO  or VIDEO. Use the keywords "Speeches, addresses" or search by the name of the speaker, e.g. Martin Luther King, William Jennings Bryan, etc... Many web sites provide audio and video clips from famous speeches. See the Web Resources section of this guide for places to start.

A Few General Collections to Try:

Speeches by Women and People of Color