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CAS 100A: Effective Speech

Research guide for sections of CAS 100A taught by Dr. Natalya Vodopyanova

Reference Sources: Exploring a Topic

These specialized databases focus on helping you explore the debates around specific social issues.

Reference Sources: General Databases

Use this box to search for articles across our online reference resources, all in one place.

Specific reference titles or series can often be found by searching the regular catalog, or by browsing some of the publishers' reference databases directly. Here are links to the most useful databases.

Peer-Reviewed Sources: General Databases

When using LionSearch, be sure to click the "Peer Reviewed Publications" checkbox!

Peer-Reviewed Sources: Other Strategies

  • University Press books are considered equivalent to peer-reviewed sources. Search for them in our regular Catalog.
  • Many items can be most easily found, or even only be found, by looking in subject-specific databases. The best way to learn which databases are most useful for your topic is by checking the relevant Subject Guides.