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CYBER 100: Computer Systems Literacy

Professor Bodek

In-Class Links

IEEE Xplore

Remember to use the Magazines & Journals dropdown box

ACM Digital Library

Tips for finding MAGAZINE articles in ACM Digital Library

1. Click on MAGAZINES on the top left bar. 

2. Enter your search terms (combine important keywords with AND)

3. Use the filters on the left to limit by date (DON'T FORGET TO HIT APPLY) OR to search for another term within these results

Google Scholar


When searching Google Scholar from home:

  1. click on the link to SETTINGS in the upper left of the Google Scholar search page (three parallel horizontal lines)
  2. click on Settings in the left margin
  3. click on Library Links
  4. enter Pennsylvania State University and click on the search icon
  5. when "Pennsylvania State University" appears, place a check in the box preceding it and click on SAVE

After searching in Google Scholar, use the Get it! @ Penn State link to access full text journal articles.