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#ForYou: Algorithms & the Attention Economy

Penn State Berks Thun Library, First Year Seminar Workshop Series


For additional terms and definitions, refer to Electronic Frontier Foundation's Surveillance Self-Defense glossary or PCMag Encyclopedia.

Algorithm - in data mining, a series of steps used to analyze large data sets to detect patterns and clusters. (More info)

Algorithmic bias - Describes systematic and repeatable errors in a computer system that create unfair outcomes, such as privileging one arbitrary group of users over others. (More info)

Algorithmic filter - An evaluation of data based on some formula. Essentially, all filters rely on some algorithm; however, the term typically refers to social media and search engines, wherein users are delivered ads, videos and news stories that appeal to their lifestyle and principles. (More info)

Artificial intelligence (AI) - Describes the technologies that teach machines how to simulate intelligent human behavior. In reality, AI is an umbrella term that encompasses multiple approaches to developing these technologies, because AI itself is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating machines that simulate how humans think, work, and react; using available data inputs, they learn to make decisions like people. (More info)

Big data - the collection, storage, and analysis of large volumes of data in order to derive new insights, which originated in business intelligence. (More info)

Captology - (Computers As Persuasive TechnOLOGY) refers to using computers to change people's attitudes and behavior. (More info)

Data - Any kind of information, typically stored in a digital form. Data can include documents, pictures, keys, programs, messages, and other digital information or files. (More info)

Echo chamber - A mainstreaming ideological effect in which a group worldview is reinforced through continual circulation amongst like-minded people (such as an online or social media echo chamber). (More info)

Filter bubble - Customized results from search engines and social media that are geared to the individual based on that person's past preferences. (More info)

Information asymmetries - The inherent imbalance of power that arises from control over knowledge by concealing, monopolizing, and restricting access to information flows. (More info)

Machine learning - A major component of artificial intelligence (AI). Machine learning software, which is mostly implemented using a "neural network" architecture, keeps modifying its own algorithms in the training stages in order to become more intelligent and improve future results. (More info)

Mathwashing -  When power and bias hide behind the facade of 'neutral' math. (More info)

Personalization - Custom tailoring information to the individual. On the Web, personalization means returning a page that has been customized for the user, taking into consideration that person's habits and preferences. (More info)

Recommendation engine - Software that makes recommendations to buyers by analyzing the preferences for music, movies and merchandise from a large group of users. Recommendation engines are widely used on websites to enhance the experience and sell more product. (More info)

Surveillance capitalism - an economic system centered around the commodification of personal data with the core purpose of profit-making. (More info)

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