Alexandria Chisholm
( or 610-396-6242)
Sarah Hartman-Caverly
( or 610-396-6243)
Follow us @Digital_Shred
In this workshop we will:
Visit each station posted throughout the room and answer the questions:
Explore the links below to garner a better understanding of what metadata is being collected about your online behaviors and activities.
What surprised you about the data that browsers track? Are your ad profiles creepily accurate, or bizarrely inaccurate? Share examples in the Padlet below!
In your group, select an article from your assigned category about how automatically monitored data is being collected and modeled in a variety of contexts.
Be prepared to report back to the class on the positive and negative impacts of these practices on individuals…and society!
Assigned category / topic (select from articles listed below):
Want more Health & Wellness? Join us for the Digital Wellness Workshop!
Want more social justice? Join us for the Data Justice Workshop!
Want more Consumer Privacy? Join us for the Digital Shred Workshop!
Want more Generative AI? Join us for the Hidden Layer Workshop!
Want more Intimate Privacy? Join us for the Private Bits Workshop!
Want more Employment & Labor Force? Join us for the Digital Professionalism Workshop!
Download the Personal Data Plan file and begin reflecting on the guiding questions on the first page. The second page includes a Data Privacy Checklist to help you conduct risk-benefit analysis for the various apps and technology that you use day-to-day.