"Narrow the scope of your research as you are only interested in the artist’s works or time period associated with the larger group movement. For example, Picasso had a very long career, but his Cubist period only lasted from 1907-1917. This assignment also asks you to develop a thesis based on how closely the artist adheres to or deviates from the larger movement. Therefore, your paper needs to address the work of the individual within the context of the larger group. You may discuss relationships between the artist and other group members, but avoid a biographical paper. I am more interested in the ideas expressed by the work and the formal innovations and techniques used by the artist."
"For your paper you will need at least one scholarly book and one peer reviewed article in an academic journal. Please look for the most recent scholarship, although you can use older works by important authors (check with me if you are unsure). Exhibition catalogues with scholarly essays also count as do primary source materials (the writings of the artist, for example). Please avoid reviews of either books or exhibitions, especially those in newspapers or non-academic journals. Again, use internet sites and on-line encyclopedias (Wikipedia, Oxford Art On-Line, etc.) as tools to find sources, not as sources themselves!" --Dr. Kavky
Acceptable Sources
Scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article (required to have at least one!) Click here for an example of a scholarly journal article in the arts.
Book (required to have at least one!)
Exhibition catalogs with scholarly essays
Writings of the artist
Unacceptable Sources
Web Sites that lack credibility
Book reviews
Newspaper and magazine articles
Encyclopedia Articles
Which of these sources are acceptable, and which are not acceptable?
Type your keywords into the search boxes. I suggest searching with your artist's name in quotation marks and the art movement associated with them:
"Pablo Picasso" AND cubism