1 Central Pattee
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 863-0094
Donald W. Hamer Center for Maps and Geospatial Information ArcGIS Hub aggregates geospatial content in ArcGIS Online.
Searching for Content
This site enables users to search available content including layers, maps, and web applications. A user is able to also choose specific categories from the main hub site related to Sanborn maps, aerial images, WWII OSS map content, and an index to the bituminous coal maps. The Sanborn Map collection is large collection of print maps that have been scanned. These layers represent the digital scans in geographic space. In addition, content has been digitized from these scanned maps related to buildings and additional features for select areas of Pennsylvania.
Previewing Content
The user is able to view selected content within the application itself, and/or open in ArcGIS Online. A description of the content includes a summary and information on related content layers. Information on data layers can also be downloaded in csv, kml, shapefile, and geojson format. These formats can be used in a variety of software applications depending on the user information needs.
Using content
A user is also prompted to whether they want to integrate layers and web maps into their own projects. For example, when reviewing a geospatial layer for historic State College buildings, the user is able to create their own map from this layer, open in the ArcGIS Online viewer, or choose to open in an ArcGIS StoryMap. Data layers are also available to be used by searching within ArcGIS Online and using in ArcGIS Desktop application via searching ArcGIS Online Content.
Options for Use
Selecting "I want to this": options include creating a map with selected data, creating a story (will open in ArcGIS StoryMaps), viewing the data souree, and open in ArcGIS Online. The options for how an item is used is variable based on the content format.