This guide is available both in the Reference Collection (in-library use only, found on the first floor) and the general collection.
Call Number: BF76.7.P83 2020
The two main reasons for citing your sources are:
In order to do this you must cite the specific work you used. That is cite to a specific journal article, chapter in a book, a specific page at a website. With a few limited exceptions you would never cite a database e.g. JSTOR, or Project Muse. Instead, you cite the article by title and author, the journal it is found in by title, volume number, and date and then note the database it was found in and the date you accessed the information. The exception to this a database that produces information on the fly. For example: if you generate a table of data from the World Bank's World Development Indicators databank, you would note that as the source since it is not possible to point to a specific item.
The resources below can help you properly format your citations.
Key to formatting a citation correctly or locating an item you see referenced in a bibliography is recognizing the type of material you are working with. Is it a journal article? A book? A chapter in a book?
The following links will help you understand the parts of a citation. Additionally, if you are reviewing a bibliography, knowing how to tell the type of source from its formatting will help you locate the item using the appropriate library resource.