responsible for administering the Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program), HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments), and several other health-related programs.
Track congressional activities and legislation. Find reports from the important committees dealing with health care issues.
Congressional provides access to the best web resources for congressional and legislative information. This includes services available to Penn State Users only, such as Congressional Universe (1789-to date) as well as other free services that provide similar or related information such as Thomas (1993-to date) and GPO Access (1993-to date). The Guided Tour provides a step-by-step approach to congressional and legislative information for users who have never done research of this type before. Updates:Continuous
Find Proposed Rules, Rules, and Notices from the Federal Register. Public Submissions (e.g., comments, citizen petitions, early submissions) and Supporting Materials often associated with regulatory actions can also be found on this site. Use to research current federal rule-making. Use the Federal Register or the CFR [see below] for historical research.
use the Look up a Legal Case menu to search by case citation, parties [i.e., defendant, plaintiff], or topic].
Provides access to a wide range of news, business, legal, and reference information. Covers many news sources for 20 years. Court cases and statutes from all federal and state jurisdictions are included. Most resources can be searched in full text.