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B M B 443W: Laboratory in Protein Purification and Enzymology

links to readings needed for B M B 443W lab for Dr. Padala


The following are resources to give background to the lectures and experiments for B M B 443W (Laboratory in Protein Purification and Enzymology), taught at University park by Reddy Padala (

Please note, most of the links in this guide are to subscription based resources available to PSU students, staff and faculty. 

Chemical Modification - Lysine

Lai CY, Tchola O, Cheng T, Horecker BL. 1965. The Mechanism of Action of Aldolases VIII. THE NUMBER OF COMBINING SITES IN FRUCTOSE DIPHOSPHATE ALDOLASE*. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 240:1347-1350. Print: QP501.J7 4th Floor Paterno

Avigad G, Englard S. 1972. The Covalent Binding of D-Fructose 1,6-Diphosphate to Muscle Aldolase. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 153:337-346. Please note, we no longer have PRINT copies of this volume.

Blonski C, Moissac D DE, Perie J, Sygusch J. 1997. Inhibition of rabbit muscle aldolase by phosphorylated aromatic compounds. Biochemical Journal, 323:71-77.  Print:  QP501.B47 4th Floor Paterno

Chemical Modification - Arginine

Lobb RR, Stokes AM, Hill HAO, Riordan JF. 1976. A Functional Arginine Residue in Rabbit-Muscle Aldolase. European Journal of Biochemistry (now called FEBS Journal), 70:517-522. Print: QP501.E9 4th Floor Paterno

Aldolase Kinetics

Hill HAO, Lobb RR, Sharp SL, Stokes AM, Harris JI, Jack RS. 1976. Metal-Replacement Studies in Bacillus stearothermophilus Aldolase and a Comparison of the Mechanisms of Class I and Class II Aldolases. Biochemical Journal, 153:551-560. Print: QP501.B47 4th Floor Paterno

Richards OC, Rutter WJ. 1961. Comparative properties of yeast and muscle aldolase. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 236:3185-3191. Print: QP501.J7 4th Floor Paterno

Aldolase Purification

Penhoet EE, Rutter WJ. 1975. [38] Detection and isolation of mammalian fructose-diphosphate aldolases. Methods in Enzymology. 42:240-249. Print: QP601.C733 4th Floor Paterno

Susor WA, Penhoet E, Rutter WJ. 1975. [15] Fructose-diphosphate aldolase, pyruvate kinase, and pyridine nucleotide-linked activities after electrophoresis. Methods in Enzymology. 41:66-73. Print: QP601.C733 4th Floor Paterno

Macdonald JA, Storey KB. 2002. Purification and characterization of fructose bisphosphate aldolase from the ground squirrel, Spermophilus lateralis: enzyme role in mammalian hibernation. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 408:279-285. Print: QP501.A77 4th Floor Paterno

Bradford Method of Protein Determination

Bradford MM. 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding., Analytical Biochemistry. 72:248-254. Please note, we no longer have PRINT copies of this volume.


Weber K, Pringle JR, Osborn M. 1972. [1] Measurement of molecular weights by electrophoresis on SDS-acrylamide gel. Methods in Enzymology. 26:3-27. Print: QP601.C733 4th Floor Paterno

Laemmli UK. 1970. Cleavage of Structural Proteins during the Assembly of the Head of Bacteriophage T4. Nature. 227:680-685.  Print: Q1.N2 Annex

Aldolase Amino Acid Sequence

Lai CY, Nakai N, Chang D. 1974. Amino Acid Sequence of Rabbit Muscle Aldolase and the Structure of the Active Center. Science. 183:1204–1206. Print: Q1.S35 4th Floor Paterno