Includes news and scholarly articles on business topics.
An essential article database for business research providing the full text for more than 2,000 periodicals, including about 1,000 scholarly journals. Covers virtually all disciplines in business and economics, including: accounting, economics, econometrics, finance, marketing, management, MIS, QMM and supply chain management.
Provides online access to articles published in Springer journals, including those on real estate.
Access to electronic editions of journals and electronic books to which Penn State University Libraries subscribes, published by a company called Springer-Verlag. Journals cover the fields of chemistry, computer science, economics, engineering, environmental sciences, geosciences, life sciences, mathematics, medicine, and physics. Coverage: 1996-present. Updates: Continuous
Online mapping platform featuring data on demographics, housing, mortgage loans, and FEMA disaster declarations.
PolicyMap ( is an online mapping application created by The Reinvestment Fund and contains over 15,000 indicators related to housing, education, mortgage originations, jobs and more. It’s fast, efficient and captures data in visually powerful ways through custom maps, tables and reports.
Online mapping platform that contains demographic, housing, and real estate data.
Limited to 3 concurrent users. SimplyAnalytics enables non-technical users to quickly create professional quality thematic maps and reports using extensive demographic data (ie. census, consumer expenditure data) including estimates and projections, business data from D&B and the County Business Patterns Survey (CBP) and marketing data from EASI/MRI and Claritas PRIZM segments. SimplyAnlytics turns complex data into valuable information that is easily accessed through an innovative and user-friendly interface. Data is available at the State, Congressional District, County, City, ZIP Code, Census Tract and Block Group level in addition to custom trade area and can be exported as images, shapefiles or in tabular formats. Authorized PSU users must "Sign in as a guest" if they do not wish to register for a personal account. Personal accounts save your preferences, reports, and maps.
Features long runs of historical economic data. Includes Real Estate database.
GFDatabase contains long-term historical indices for a wide-range of financial and economic indicators including GDP, monetary rates, interest rates, stock and bond markets, and more. Penn State's subscription includes access to four components: GFDatabase, Real Estate Database, Eurostat, and World Bank. First time users will need to create an account. Users should click "Register" and follow the instructions to create an account, using their Penn State email address.
Includes data from U.S., Canada, and other international sources on housing, construction, industry, business, commerce, banking, finance, and insurance. Specific sources include U.S. Department of Housing and Development, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Freddie Mac, Zillow Real Estate Metrics, and Statistics Canada.
Online service that enables researchers to build statistical tables and charts from multiple sources in a single interface. Data includes a wide range of social and demographic data both from the US and international sources.