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Entrepreneurship Resources for Pennsylvania Residents

Freely available resources for community entrepreneurs

Why is this important?

Gathering information about your customers, competition, and industry beforehand will better help you understand the opportunities and limitations of your business idea and help reduce risk. Articles, reports, and surveys known as "secondary" resources can help you:

  • Map out competitors, partners and suppliers
  • Gather consumer demographics and track trends, attitudes and purchasing behaviors
  • Determine market size, demand and market segments
  • Identify industry opportunities, challenges, financial outlook and regulatory environment

Companies, Industries and Markets

Web Resources

Internet resources can provide a wide-range of information. However, expertise, objectivity, and relevancy are not always apparent. Be cautious when using a search engine to research your topic. The resources below have been hand-picked as credible resources for your research.

Web Resources

Internet resources can provide a wide-range of information. However, expertise, objectivity, and relevancy are not always apparent. Be cautious when using a search engine to research your topic. The resources below have been hand-picked as credible resources for your research.

Web Resources

Internet resources can provide a wide-range of information. However, expertise, objectivity, and relevancy are not always apparent. Be cautious when using a search engine to research your topic. The resources below have been hand-picked as credible resources for your research.