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Image Credit: “Books - Bernie the Cat Flat” by Stickers
Welcome to the Fletcher L. Byrom Earth and Mineral Sciences Library
Undergraduate students may borrow up to 200 items at a time!
If you know the item you want, and Penn State does not own it, use Interlibrary Loan!
Try the WorldCat database if you want to identify other books by subject or author. You can request the items directly within the system and they will automatically use our InterLibrary Loan service
Search for your course reserves! Just enter the course ID number or the instructor’s last name in the search field and select the appropriate option in the drop down menu. (Note: searching by course name is inconsistent and is not recommended.)
Be careful and use the exact course ID with the correct spacing between the initials (e.g. CN ED 503 not CNED503) or your search will fail. If you get zero results, try adjusting the course ID.