Academic journals, professional journals, magazines and newspapers covering the education domain. Tip: Use Advanced Search to search for "extracurricular activities" and "college students" as subjects for more relevant search results:
"extracurricular activities" in [All subjects & indexing - SU]
"College students" in [All subjects & indexing - SU]
ProQuest Education Journals provides access to over 785 journals, more than 615 in full text, including all aspects of education, with coverage since 1991.
Academic journals, conference papers, reports, and dissertations in the education domain, sponsored by the US Department of Education. Tip: Use Advanced Search to combine subject searching for "college students" and "extracurricular activities":
"College students" in [All subjects & indexing - SU]
"extracurricular activities" in [All subjects & indexing - SU]
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) is the major database for education literature, sponsored by the U.S. Department. of Education. The same database content is available on many platforms.
Articles from college and university newspapers and wire services. Tip: Use "Search within this publication..." search box to keyword search for college newspaper articles about extracurricular activities.
Top professional news publication for university faculty and administrators. Tip: Click the magnifying glass icon to access the search box, and keyword search for articles about the extracurricular activities.
The Chronicle of Higher Education is the No. 1 source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. Online, The Chronicle is published every weekday and is the top destination for news, advice, and jobs for people in academe.
A collection of polling instruments and polling data. (Note: Not every survey / question has polling data available.) Tip: Use Boolean logic to construct a keyword search about college students and the pandemic:
(college OR university) AND student AND (extracurricular OR cocurricular OR co-curricular) AND activities
The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research is one of the world's leading archives of social science data, specializing in data from surveys of public opinion back to the 1930s. A comprehensive source for US nationwide public opinion data from academic, commercial, and media survey organizations.