has resources on a wide range of health topics selected from over 1,600 government and non-profit organizations to bring the user the best, most reliable health information on the Internet.
The Bureau of Consumer Protection provides information on how to spot health scams, fake cures and products, or get the facts on different health products and services. Also talks about your rights as a health consumer.
The Health Information link in the Mayo Clinic website provides links to authoritative, up-to-date information on diseases and conditions, symptoms, drugs and supplements, tests and procedures, healthy lifestyles, first aid, and more
From the American Academy of Family Physicians and contains health information for the whole family, self-care flowcharts, drug information, and alternative remedies.
List of common laboratory tests from MedlinePlus. Links to information for learning about your laboratory tests, including what the lab test is used for, why your doctor ordered it, how the test will feel, and what the results may mean. was originally developed by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry to provide information and answers to questions about lab tests.