ResearchRabbit is a free online “citation-based literature mapping tool." It is a visual literature review software mapping tool that is similar to Spotify. The tool connects your research interests to related articles and authors.
The tool allows users to create collections based on their research focus. You can start by looking up a title, DOI, PMID, or keywords, find the paper in the results, and add it to your collection. You can expand the details of the paper by displaying the paper's abstract and comments you've written. From there, selecting a paper will allow you to explore similar papers, references in your original paper, and citations in your original paper. You can also explore additional works by the paper's author and suggested authors, as well as linked content.
The unique map feature allows you to visualise the relationship between papers, represented as circles on the map. Research Rabbit will draw connections between papers that reference each other, as well as colour code them. Papers come in three colours: green, which are the papers in your collection; and blue, the papers that Research Rabbit recommends. The colour shading is dictated by the level of information the site has on the paper: the darker the circle, the more information Research Rabbit has access to. When circles are completely white, then the site has no information on them. Exploring papers through the map can lead you into further and more specific research, essentially taking you "down the rabbit hole".